

MAK’s universal translator for distributed simulations

VR-Exchange lets all-comers participate in the simulation  

All the techniques needed to connect simulations built for separate purposes into cohesive synthetic environments. FOM-to-FOM translation, RTI-to-RTI bridging, DIS or HLA-to-TENA translation, and simulation-to-C4I interoperability.

Introducing VR-Exchange

Why Exchange?

Synthetic environments are often being put together from existing assets, which have been built, tested, and verified against some set of pre-existing protocol choices. There is more integration between Live, Virtual, and Constructive assets. In addition, large exercises are becoming more common, with multiple sites connected over a Wide Area Network. Bridging theses systems may be the simplest and most cost effective way to achieve interoperability.

Debug Network Traffic

When connecting dissimilar networks, it's important to understand what messages are actually coming across. VR-Exchange gives you visual diagnostic tools to help you decide if you need to filter some of the traffic. 

Learn More

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VR-Exchange Brochure

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Key Features

  • FOM-to-FOM translation

    Allows legacy simulations to participate in synthetic environments with modern simulations.

  • DIS or HLA-to-TENA translation

    Allows simulations built to communicate on one protocol to interoperate with simulation built on another protocol, without the need to recompile anything.

  • RTI-to-RTI bridging

    Join federations that are running on different runtime infrastructures. E.g. connect simulations running on Pitch™ RTI with others running on MAK RTI. 

  • Simulation-to-C4I interoperability

    For example, use the cursor-on-target (CoT) broker to share situational awareness data.

  • Control through Filtering

    Used as a filter, VR-Exchange protects simulators (or sub-networks) from excessive or errant network traffic.

  • Multi-threaded shared-memory

    Merge multiple streams of protocols into a single cohesive synthetic environment.

  • Intuitive GUI

    The intuitive GUI allows you to view, configure and debug your network in real-time.

  • Built for speed

    Maintain performance, even when your exercise contains thousands of objects.

Resources for Customers

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Users Guide

What you need to start connecting your sims

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Developers Guide

Online API Documentation

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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