
The MAK ONE Multi-Domain Computer Generated Forces

Fill your synthetic environment with urban, battlefield, maritime, air, and space activity using this powerful and flexible computer-generated forces platform.​

VR-Forces simulates the full range of domains that coexist as the whole earth - from the ocean floor to the elliptical orbits around our planet. Simulate your entities, their relationships to one another, the terrains they live on, the localized weather systems and the environmental effectors to meet your simulation needs. 

Introducing VR-Forces 

Build complex scenarios, monitor and control multiple entities with ease.  

Easily drag and drop your forces, create routes and waypoints and build entity or unit plans with a few clicks. 

Then monitor and control multiple air, ground, maritime and space assets at the same time within highly complex operational environments.  

MAK ONE Technology Stack

A modular architecture that provides a common set of engines and interfaces that fill all the key components of modern synthetic environments.

Proudly Built by Simulation Experts.

With a unique modular design like no other, the sim engine is a separate module from the interface! This unique approach gives agility and flexibility to each training system that joins the simulation environment.

Our customers gain superior flexibility to scale, customize, and build high performance, high efficiency entity or aggregate level systems. 

Terrain Agile Synthetic Environments

Terrain can be procedurally generated on-the-fly from geo-data streamed using web standard protocols.

Pre-built terrain databases can be paged in or loaded from many industry standard formats.

MAK ONE is the simulation platform of choice by governments and system integrators around the world as they join disparate simulations into common synthetic environments.

Explore how VR-Forces fits into these systems by sliding through the illustrations below. 

Key Features

  • Complex Coordinated Behaviors

    Drag and Drop Entities, Pre-Configured Groups, Reactive Behaviors, Tactical Graphics, Runtime Scenario Merge.

  • Patterns of Life

    Easily generate air, land, sea, space, lifeform and vehicle Patterns of Life using our own propagation models or import your own data, eg, ADS-B tracks, IFF data, TLE, etc. 

  • Synchronization Matrix

    represents your scenario or battle plan as a series of phases over time

    Supports Coordinated Planning (Air, Land, Sea)

    Allows unit and entity coordinated plans based on Phase/Time/Events or other conditions

  • Electronic Warfare

  • Multi-Threaded Architecture

    The most significant change in this release happens under the hood of VR-Forces, where we've used a double-buffering technique to enable multi-threading. Now, VR-Forces applications can use all the available processors in the machine to do the hard work of computing entity state updates and interactions.

  • Runtime Scenario Control

    Rapid tasking without drilling through menus, Favorites can be selected, Obscure commands can be hidden, Rapid search available, Big Icon mode for Touch Screen Displays

  • Complex Task Automation

    Events can be set to have a wide variety of automatic/programmed or manual triggers, including Master Scenario Events Lists (MSELS) Injects and other quick-launch events.

  • Realistic Local Weather

    Altitude Dependent Temperature and Pressure Models, Multi-Elevation Wind and Visibility, Turbulence, Blowing Snow, Icing, Localized Wind Corridors, Volumetric and Accumulating Rain, Deterministic Lightning. 

  • Integrated 2D and 3D

    Sceanraios can be viewed, edited, and controled in plan view and 3D perspective using the same rendering engine as the first person simulators.

Artificial Intelligence Under The Hood

Whether you need a threat generator for training and mission rehearsal systems, a synthetic environment for experimentation, or an engine to stimulate C4I systems, VR-Forces will provide intelligent behaviors and add lifelike patterns-of-life for your training or testing subjects. 

Behavior Engine

Designed for organized construction of complicated and coordinated behaviors of units with different roles, parallel job execution, sync conditions, sequences and conditional tests.

Used for...
• Units with different roles
• Parallel job execution
• Sync Conditions
• Sequences
• Conditional tests

Terrain Analysis

VR-Forces' Terrain Analysis capability can be used to find groups of varying positions, oriented in a way that correctly face the enemy, which can then be applied to clusters for larger units.

Support & Resources

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Success Stories

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MAK ONE Brochure

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MAK ONE Brochure

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Tech-Savvy Guides

to Virtual Simulation and Virtualization

Sign up to access these resources

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Users Guide

VR-Forces 5.1

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First Experience Guide

Step-by-step introduction to creating your own scenarios

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Developers Guide

Online API documentation

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Entity Catalog

Listing of the default Simulation Model Set

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Migration Guide

Developer instructions for migrating fom older versions

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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