Warp and Blend Toolset for VR-Vantage IG

Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just a few mile from MAK’s office, Scalable Display Technologies is a world-wide leader in automatic warping and edge-blending in the simulation industry. Their Scalable Display Manager (SDM) software can calibrate, color-match, and edge-blend an unlimited number of projectors and IG channels on any screen geometry: 360-degree screens, domes, hemispheres, etc.

MAK has integrated the SDM run-time libraries from Scalable Display Technologies directly into VR-Vantage. This means that VR-Vantage is natively able to connect to the Scalable Display Manager configuration master and client configuration applications, automatically adjust frustum parameters virtual camera angles based on calibration data from those applications, and run the shaders that warp the frame buffer, and blend the edges of adjacent displays for a single, seamless IG experience. The SDM configuration applications themselves can be purchased directly from Scalable Display Technologies.

Using Scalable’s technology, VR-Vantage has been deployed on curved domes and room-sized seamless displays for ship’s bridge simulators and other applications – driving up to 16 edge-blended projectors.

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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