ST Engineering Training and Simulation (T&S) - Mission Analytics and Review System

ST Engineering Training and Simulation, located in Singapore, has a long history of delivering custom simulation solutions built on MAK products. Sometimes, they build reusable components as plug-ins, add-ons, or complementary tools, that can be deployed across projects – even by third party teammates. One such product is called MARS (Mission Analytics and Review System).  MARS uses MAK’s VR-Link to connect to a running VR-Forces session through HLA, gathers information about events and state throughout execution, and saves that information to a SQL database. An analytics engine creates high-level metrics and analyzes the relationships between events in the scenario (such as detections and subsequent engagements). It then serves the results of its analysis to a web-based front-end GUI for presentation as graphs, charts, and other dashboard elements. MARS has also been integrated with external mission planning tools and formats – to compare the results of VR-Forces scenario to plan objectives, and to depict progress again a mission plan on a tactical map over time.

Besides web-based run-time displays, MARS can also auto-generate PowerPoint debrief packages, and export its output to Excel. ST T&S demonstrated its integration with VR-Forces at both I/ITSEC 2023, and at the Singapore Air Show in 2024.

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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