HIVE Analytics Add-on for VR-Forces Wargaming and Training Applications

MAK’s partnership with Cervus was born out of the British Army’s flagship innovation and experimentation program, Army Warfighting Experiment (AWE) in 2021. With the help of MAK’s European distributor, ST Engineering Antycip, MAK and Cervus collaborated to integrate their Hive analytics engine with MAK’s VR-Forces CGF to create a powerful tool for real-time exercise monitoring, as well as after-action review or debrief.

Cervus’s plug-in collects data in real-time from a running instance of a VR-Forces simulation engine - by making direct calls to the VR-Forces C++ API. It then passes that data to the external Hive analytics application, which computes and displays easy-to-understand dashboards, graphs, charts, and tables to help instructors and analysts interpret the results of a simulation scenario.

Hive’s machine learning engine quickly identifies trends in training and rapidly delivers comprehensive and exploitable, context derived insights – enabling commanders to deliver far more proactive interventions. Beyond training, Hive’s data collection and analysis tools assist with force development, experimentation, research, operational analysis, acquisition and support activities.

ST Engineering

ST Engineering

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